7 / 10 /
Release year 2019 /
Audience score 309080 votes /
Genres Fantasy, Adventure /
142 m
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A thousand generations live in you now. That got really kinky, really fast. The Skywalkers are all dead, the first 6 movies are now pointless, and Palpatine wins. #DisneyStarWars. Watch full length star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker imdb.
JJ Abrams: Yes. Being at this panel was legit the greatest moment of my life. Id give so much money to go back and relive that moment again. I forgot how good the TFA trailer was. Probably my favorite. I would trade my aunt fir an ant 🐜. Id give this one to MattPat hes mostly right. Please be good, please be good, please be good. Best star wars yet period. Watch full length star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker wiki. Everyone: Rey is jedi. Rey: Hold my lightsaber.
Adjusted, TROS isn't even in the Top 50 of the highest grossing movies of all time worldwide, which is the case of all the 3 Lord of the Rings movies (ranked 43th, 40th and 26th) each one of them making no less than 1.3 billion. Not consooming is a hate crime. World premiere? I watched it december 18th. 2019- the saga will end 2021: StarWar- the tail of that one x wing pilot that dies in a random battle scene. Palpatine: we'll watch his career with GREAT interest. After seeing this i realized that this could be the best attempt to salvage whats left to tell about the the new characters and deliver an overall satisfying ending but no matter how hard they try they just cannot undo the damage done by the last jedi, they just cant. sad.
Watch full length star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker free. Emperors back. Watch full length star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker news.
Watch full length star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker cast
57:35. “I just invented time travel” - Stark. But not really. Ever the narcissist - Tony says this partly tongue in cheek, but really. Hank Pym discovers the existence of Pym Particles and possibility of shrinking into the Quantum Realm. Janet Van Dyne - enters Quantum Realm, discovers time vortexs, and makes it back out alive. Scott Lang - experiences time vortexs - develops the idea of using them as a time machine. Bruce Banner -verifies time travel by sending person into Quantum Realm using time vortexs to send time thru people, and returning them. Stark - space time GPS - using Quantum Tunnel to move people anywhere thru space or time. Then they put it all together to make a Time Machine. 1:07:00.
So how did you explain the ending. all you said was what happened.
The last nail in the coffin.
Oh it's great to see Lando back again and flying his own ship. And the evil laugh at then end.
Watch full length star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker.
Watch full length star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker 2019.
Watch Full Length Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of skywalker sound.
As a HUGE fan of the Star Wars Universe ever since I was a child, these movies have a sweet spot in my heart.
I think The Rise Of Skywalker is an AMAZING ending to an AMAZING series. I found my self jaw dropped, emotional, excited, laughing, crying, on the edge of my seat, I loved the fight against good and evil, the secret relatives, the rise of the hero and I'm going to say it, the NOSTALGIA. It brought a stronger and deeper connected between the old movies and the new series that was so beautiful.
Like how the fight scene between Anakin and Obi-Wan in Revenge of The Sith paralleled between the fight scene between Rey and Kylo Ren. Where the lava represented death and the water represented life and in Revenge of The Sith, Anakin is finally turned to the dark side, but whereas in Rise, Kylo Ren is finally turned to the good side. I could name 20 more beautiful parallels and nostalgic scenes, but you get the point!
Just think, what would Star Wars be without those attributes? That is what makes Star Wars, Star Wars. So for critics to say there is too much nostalgia, or too much resemblance between the older movies is like saying there is too much Star Wars in the STAR WARS movie!
Not only was the movie emotional In so many levels, it was cinematically stunning! When you look at a movie from a filmmaking perspective, the amount of people and work it took to create something as beautiful as that deserves a 5 star review ALONE! And no highly judgmental critic can fight against that.
The redemption of Kylo Ren was by far the most powerful part of the whole movie and frankly, the whole series. Throughout the movies, Ben is just a young boy, fighting the demons inside his head. The amount of pain and suffering that you see Ben go through then to FINALLY see him free of it and turn into a loving and self sacrificing man deserves another 5 stars ALONE! His story is inspiring, moving and so FREAKING EMOTIONAL! It shows you that it's never too late and we all have the strength to fight against the evil inside of us.
Sure, I do have a couple complaints against the movie, but they are only complaints because I wished for them to happen, like how I wish we saw a scene of Lando Calrision seeing Lea before she died. I feel like that scene was very much needed. But it does look like Lando was able to see her, because he was already there when Po came back to the planet and talked to Lando. So inside, I like to believe he did, but still, I wish that scene was in the movie. Maybe its in the deleted scenes, who knows...
AND I wish in the last scene, when Rey sees Lea and Luke as ghosts, I truly wish she saw all of the past Jedi's or at least the main ones, like Yoda, Obi-Wan, Anakin and Ben as well. I feel like that would have been the perfect ending, since she is connected to them all. But these are just things I wish that were in the film, and like Abrams said, you cant please everyone, especially in a finale and you shouldn't even try when making a film. And for that, I understand and respect Abrams and Rian for taking the journey to even give us this new series. We should accept what was given, not just so we can be at peace, but so we can truly admire and love the story for what it is and not what it isn't.
ALSO. I would like to point out how I think that the movie is called "Rise Of Skywalker" not only talking about the rise of Rey Skywalker but also talking about the rise of Ben Skywalker! Yes, Ben's last name is Solo but his mother, Lea is Skywalker, so in my opinion, Ben is the true Rise of Skywalker since he rises to the good side and is finally free of evil in the end. br>
And its the huge connections and deep meanings like this that make this movie get 5 stars. The beauty, power, emotion and hope of this movie outweighs all of the stupid critics who are just too judgmental.
“The saga ends.” It already did. Just watch Return of the Jedi. Way too many people hate on star wars, it will never be perfect but you're not a fan if you hate on the thing you're supposed to be a fan of. “No ones ever really gone” Aka: “we ran out of villains so lets bring Palpatine back and let everything Luke did to stop him, everything Darth Vader went through to save his son, go to waste”. Watch Full Length Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of skywalker. Watch full length star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker dvd. This. does put a smile on my face. Watch full length star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalker the rise of skywalker.